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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Carpe Diem

Once upon a time, I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up.  From a simple view, outsider looking in - I've done that. Check - accomplished! Done - great job!  All my previous choices have led to my current role as Director of Training and Development for a large organization. I am very employed, very successful, very well compensated...very disinterested and not so greatly happy.

I should be happy with where I am - should be fulfilled. There are those who envy "my success" and "station in life." There's a stirring emptiness inside of me, though - some need that's always hungry.  Is it that being grown up isn't what I thought it would be?  Or is it that, even at 54, I am still not grown up and maybe, maybe I still get to choose what I want to be.  The little girl inside of me who's been clamoring for my attention keeps telling me that this just isn't it....

I think back to my dream of being a teacher...was that really what I wanted?  If I allow myself to travel through the layers of time and situations, and grasp who I was so long ago; try to remember what moved me to laughter, even to tears....I realize that it wasn't so much about being a teacher, as it was about making a difference.

I remember, as a young girl, hiding in my room when I was supposed to be doing chores - so that I could finish reading the latest, greatest library book.  Of course, I had my handy - dandy steno pad with me at all moments...and my favorite fountain pen. I loved to take notes - used to even take notes as I watched movies, listening for some creative play on words, thinking of when and how I could use those same words in a different fashion of my own.  

I was never as happy as when I could tell a story with words that mattered, that drew tears to the reader's eye or an uplift to the corner of their mouth...words that evoked memories...because at age 10 - to some small degree and at age 54 in a very,very real sense -  I realize that you come to a place where memories (and the events that make those memories) are really all that matters.  It's not the great career or the money or the once in a lifetime trip to Paris or even the fabulous house decorated just as you always dreamed in tones of blue and beige with a french country parisian flair.

So - decision point.  Do I stay where I am and enjoy the feast of the outward trappings?  Or do I listen to the little girl inside who wants me to choose her again?  She's been trying to get my attention for awhile; it's been increasingly difficult to chase her away.  Recently, I think she's been with me most every waking moment...so this assignment of plotting a decision path, is - while not easy - also not really that difficult.

Maybe I am in the midst of a mid-life crisis, or maybe I've found sanity.  But I am reminded of the words of Erma Bombeck...

".... mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it ... live it...and never give it back."

My decision is to do just this - seize every moment, make every moment count, be true to who I am and what gives me joy...and while I love the parisian decor and I do like the "trappings" that a great salary provides...those things are simply things, nothing else. 

At the end of my life, I want to know that I lived it well, with love, and that I made a difference somewhere. And while I am 54, I am not yet dead.  I want to create, to write, to design and to be with the people I love.  

How do I get there from here?  Here's the best laid plan to date. 

Within 2  years (after completion of my Adult Education degree and receipt of a bonus payout the following spring), I will move to Tennessee to be physically closer to my "baby" boy and his new wife.  I will still need to support myself financially and I do need a position with medical benefits.  I've already explored housing situations and determined the lowest possible income on which I feel I could survive - with maybe a very few small trappings, like a pedicure every now and then and a couple of Starbucks a week.  Oh, and I do need to provide treats for my two dogs who I loving refer to as the Wonder Dogs.   My options are:

1.  Teach at a college level
2.  Be responsible for a training and development function 
3.  Support myself through writing
4.  Work in an instructional design group
5.  Be an outstanding executive administrative assistant 

Upon research, I have discovered that I will need at least a Masters to teach at a college level.  Hmmm...two more years of school on top of what I still have to complete.  Meanwhile, that's two more years before I could possibly move on with the plan.  And - who's to say I will even be able to find a position teaching something that is fulfilling to me...Strike Option 1... maybe if I was younger and in a different place. 

Option 2 - Hey, I am responsible now for this same thing.  Frankly, I want less - not more responsibility.  I want to be able, for the most part, to leave work at work when the day is one.  Option 2 departs with Option 1. 

I would love to be able to support myself through writing and just maybe one day, this could be a reality.    There is the benefit thing, though...and I do need to be able to pay the rent - and I've only published one poem...maybe I should keep this one out there, but not count on it as the only means to an end. 

Option 4:  I could do this, be part of an instructional design group.  It satisfies all aspects of what I think fuels my tank.  I would need to learn some additional skills - and I know someone who can help me with this. I could also take classes in this arena while I am awaiting the great bonus payout (and the 401K vesting - I don't think I mentioned that before).   I need to start building a portfolio.  I can do this and there are opportunities in Tennessee in this field.  And - benefits.  Sounds like this is a good direction. 

Option 5:  I would be a fabulous right hand. They would think I was a gift from the Gods.  I am organized, detailed - fabulously strong with follow-up.  Heck, I could run the place.  I am not sure if this would "feed my soul," but it would pay the bills, be less stressful, provide benefits - and create opportunities for me to have time to be creative on my own.  It's a possibility, one I won't toss aside - but also not the first choice. 

My best choice for my two year plan is to go directionally toward the instructional design situation.  I will continue in pursuit of  my degree in Adult Education.  I am going to purchase my own Adobe inDesign suite and either take a class and /or work with someone to master the tools.  Along the way, I will build a portfolio that I can share with prospective employers.  

Meanwhile, I am going to keep listening to the little girl as she tugs at my hand, wanting to walk awhile and smell the flowers.... Carpe Diem...she whispers...and I smile. 


  1. I enjoy reading your writings. I can follow your thought process and feel like I am sitting right next to you; I am listening as you are sharing your thoughts and we enjoy some coffee.

    As you went through each option I found myself thinking: choose option 4...choose option 4 but I patiently waited as you came to that conclusion on your own.

    I hope you feel peace about your decision and I am sure you do because I feel that the little girl inside is saying, "yes, yes, that is what we need to do to fulfill our dreams."

    How wonderful that you will be at a place in your life where you can move, enjoy a new career, continue to write, and be near your son!

    Here is one position I found by searching Tennessee Instructional Design Group Careers:


    Best of luck as you pursue your career and personal dreams! May they all come true!


  2. Kattie...thank you!! Also, thank you for the words of encouragement. I've made a decision...now I must execute the plan!!

  3. I like your writing style!! Pour me a cup of that coffee, too, please. :-)

    I was also hoping you would pick Option #4...I know (from previous discussions) how close you & your son are. Wouldn't that be wonderful to do something right out of your dreams and be WHERE you would like to be. Where does your son live in Tennessee? I ask because I am originally from Tennessean. If it's the Nashville/Murfreesboro area, oh my, there are so many opportunities available there. I would definately look closer and see if there's anyway you could swing the book and move in the very near future. Sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and go for it.

    I hope you find what you are looking for and make many happy memories doing so. Find what makes you happy BECAUSE LIFE IS TOO SHORT.

    Take care. Shelley

  4. Shelley...he and his wife live right outside of Nashville near Brentwood and yes, there are opportunities! I am going to make it happen....the degree will help me pay the bills I think and if I leave before April of 2013, I will forfeit a great bit of profit sharing and bonus. So, I am hanging in till then!! Thanks for the compliment on the writing!!
